quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013

I've got the chance

I've got the chance to know You!

I've got the chance to have peace when there's just trouble
I've got the chance to be truly happy when everyting is going wrong...

Much more than that, I've got the chance to be certain about my future life!
(I'm living forever... with You!)
I know that everything is going to be alright. =)

And that's all because I know You
I know your love for me, I know your mercy
I know who You are..
And I trust You

So I dn't need to be afraid!
No amor não há medo, há confiança!
Eu não preciso ter medo de viver minha vida segundo o Teu querer,
Mesmo que o mundo diga que "desse jeito, vai dar errado.."
Errado pra quem?

...not for my God, soberano sobre todas as coisas..
"O tempo está em Suas mãos, o começo e o fim, o começo e o fim" - Quão grande é o meu Deus
He knows what's happening next, He knows what's the best. ;)

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